About Us

Author of 'Why Punish Me?' A sexually abused altar boy, he reflects on the sinful shadow cast by St Augustine. His book explores the possible influence of Augustinian drill and doctrine on the sexual abuse of children, and the neglect found in mother and baby homes.

Press releases

WHY PUNISH ME? A first-hand account of clerical abuse

Michael Moloney tells the story of how, as a vulnerable altar boy, he was psychologically and physically abused by Catholic priests. He traces the... read more

06.09.2021 • By mike-moloney.com

WHY PUNISH ME? Augustine’s sinful lust unwrapped

The ‘God Debate’ is given a shot in the arm with this new assault on St Augustine. Available from 29 th September, Why Punish Me? is a... read more

01.08.2021 • By mike-moloney.com
